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A Place Where Creatives Engage With Each Other And Share Inspiration, Connection, And Community.  And also learning about branding, showit website design and tips to run your online business!

About Elle & elle

Hi there, we're Marielle and Michelle, sisters, business partners and your guides to all things branding and web design. Take a look around our resources and learn from our tips. Questions? We always love to chat with other entrepreneurs. Book a coffee chat  down below!

5 Reasons Why We Love to Design Websites for Women-Owned Businesses

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Running a creative business can be difficult. Thankfully, our clients make it much easier. We love offering website design for women-owned businesses for a myriad of reasons, but there are a few that take the cake. We love creating unique, purposeful brand and web design for female entrepreneurs because it allows us to create and foster a community of collaboration, support, friendship and creativity. Wondering how we do that? Keep reading and we’ll spill the secret. 

#1: We believe in Community Over Competition 

At Elle and Elle, one of our core values is community. That means that we’re passionate about connecting with other likeminded entrepreneurs and helping each other feel less lonely. Because of that, we’re dedicated to seeing others as community instead of competition. The reason we love working with women-owned businesses is because the community almost comes naturally. While we still fight moments of comparison,  designing for female entrepreneurs gives us a direct pipeline to our favorite kinds of people: the hard working, badass, kind and supportive women we get to call clients. 

And because friendship is a natural byproduct of our business, we have the privilege to  build a diverse and motivated community of women across the globe. From health coaches, to copywriters and social media managers that we’ve worked with, we’re dedicated to prioritizing community over competition with web design for women. That means that we’re cheering you on, in branding and web design (of course), but also beyond those spaces too and into your daily life. 

#2: We Believe that I Need You, You Need Me, We Need Each Other.  

Another of our values at Elle and Elle is collaboration. One of the truly magical pieces of entrepreneurship is seeing how uniquely talented each business owner is. While we focus on branding and web design, we love expanding our network with creatives that are talented in spaces that we aren’t. Offering website design for women-owned businesses has given us the opportunity to collaborate with women who specialize in things outside of our personal zone of genius. 

These collaborations not only strengthen their business, but also make Elle and Elle and even more diverse, excellent business as well. Whether it’s working with our favorite copywriter, meeting with our social media manager, or working with talented photographers, we’ve learned that we need each other and vise versa. 

#3: We Believe in Building a Culture of Friendship and Support 

We love website design for women-owned businesses because it helps us create a culture of friendship and support. We all know that running a creative business can be difficult. As a multi-passionate creative, you probably feel the stress of juggling multiple roles in your business like we do. You move back and forth from being the CEO, hitting your sales goals, finding new clients and producing excellent work, all while showing up authentically and trying to market your business and squeeze in the occasional workout and healthy meal. 

And while all of those responsibilities can be taxing on a person, perhaps one of the most difficult things is running your business by yourself. When we’re working with other female owned businesses, things seem to click. Everything is aligned and we’re able to not only provide a beneficial service to other female entrepreneurs, but we often have our clients turn into friends and support systems. Web design for women allows us to create friendships that start in the business space and last far longer than the project does. 

#4: We Believe That Meaningful Connections Fuel Creativity 

Creativity often comes in waves. When you’re brimming with inspiration, you can’t get the ideas out of your brain and onto the page fast enough. But when inspiration doesn’t strike, it can feel dry and like you’ll never complete all the tasks on your to do list, much less run your business and produce an excellent work product. 

We love offering website design for women-owned businesses because we’re able to create meaningful connections that fuel our creativity. So often, when we hit a creative rut, we need someone outside of ourselves to help talk us through it. An outsider’s perspective can be helpful when you’re lacking creativity. And while meaningful connections can fuel creativity when your personal spark is low, they can also add even more heat to the fire when you’re creativity is burning wild. Whether we’re in need  of a creative pick-me-up, or want to invite others in to help our creative ideas thrive, we’ve learned that partnering with other female entrepreneurs helps fuel or creative levels, whether they’re low and need support or are high and bursting at the seams. 

#5: We Believe that A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats.  

We’ve learned from personal experience that when one person succeeds, so does everyone else. As your business grows, so does ours. As we thrive, so do you. Instead of competing with each other, we’re always going to prioritize helping each other. And that means offering support, encouragement and guidance to not only our clients, but also our friends in the creative world. 

We wouldn’t have been able to launch our design business if it weren’t for the handful of creative entrepreneurs that were 3 or 4 steps ahead of us showing us the way. When they invested in us, we were able to grow. As we offer brand and web design to women-owned businesses, we know that our work will do two things. It will  strengthen your business’s digital presence and make your brand feel like home, but that we also strengthen the industry by supporting one female owned business at a time. 

There are so many reasons that we love to offer branding and web design for women-owned businesses. But we’ve narrowed it down to the top 5. 

  • Community over competition: we care about creating a woman-owned business community.  
  • I Need You, You Need Me, We Need Each Other: entrepreneurship is far less lonely when you get to do it together. 
  • A Culture of Friendship and Support: We love when a client becomes a friend. 
  • Fueling Creativity With Others: The best way to weather the inevitable creative block. 
  • A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats: When you succeed, we succeed. It’s important to create a culture of excellence in all of our businesses. 

If you’re a female-owned business looking for branding and web design services and you resonate with these values, let’s book some time for a virtual coffee. We’re always ready to meet a new friend!

5 Reasons Why We Love to Design Websites for Women-Owned Businesses

June 17, 2024

Website Design